Using widgets can save you a lot of precious time. All the information you need comes together in one central place. This way you don’t have to search every business app to get your information. Instead, you’ll have all your information at a glance.
At Basaas we distinguish these widgets:
App Widgets
Organize all your apps in one widget. You can easily find the apps you're looking for and access them.
You can see all appointments from different calendars at a glance.
You can create a global to-do list, from all your apps.
To create a task, you can highlight your to-do in any app and right-click to create a task.
You can merge all contacts from different apps into the contact widget. So you have all your contacts at a glance.
Search multiple Apps at the same time. You’ll centrally find what you are looking for and not have to search every single app.